Join us in person or online over zoom each Sunday for worship beginning at 10am.
Our services last about an hour.
We being with music and opening words. We share in announcements and continue with prayers, hymns and scripture.
A minister offers a youth story time and later a reflection on the scripture reading and we share responding to that by collecting an offering, as we are able and desire, to support the work of the church before sharing in a special musical piece presented by our choir. We then share in community prayers and a closing hymn and blessing.
Worship is followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. We welcome everyone to worship. It does not matter where you are on your spiritual journey or if you have experience with church. We invite you to join us!
Service Time: 10am, followed by a social time with coffee/tea (and often some yummy baked treats)
Feb 16 - Black History Month 3/Sixth after Epiphany (Rev. Heather)
Feb 23 - Black History Motnh 4/ Seventh After Epiphany (Rev.Emma & Rev. Heather's last service, special service with lunch after)
Mar 2 -Transfiguration Sunday
Mar 9 -1st in Lent
Mar 16 - 2nd in Lent, PIE Day/National Affirming Sunday
Mar 23 - 3rd in Lent
March 30 - 4th in Lent
We are now worshipping both in person and online.
Knox is a mask-friendly space. Masking is optional, and all are welcome to participate a...
Sunday school runs Sunday mornings during the worship service for children and youth ages 5-12.
Children participate in fun activities where they learn about our Christian faith, how to be followers of Christ in our modern age and learn to fully embrace God's love. Sunday school is a very safe, welcoming and inclusive place. Many friendships are made here!
Knox church has a vibrant music ministry lead by Music Director, Dennis Hahn. The music ministry includes a senior choir, a gospel group, a bell choir and seasonal children's choir. There are many musical performances by special guests throughout the year as well. Choir practices are held Thursday evenings, 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm for the Go
Knox church has a vibrant music ministry lead by Music Director, Dennis Hahn. The music ministry includes a senior choir, a gospel group, a bell choir and seasonal children's choir. There are many musical performances by special guests throughout the year as well. Choir practices are held Thursday evenings, 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm for the Gospel Group, 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm for the senior choir. Bells meet Wednesday mornings and are lead by Sharon Lambert. Any inquiries about the music ministry can be directed to Dennis Hahn at
During the school year Sunday we have a "Time for Youth" portion in service with our ministers. Then children 5-12 (appx) are invited to go with volunteer teachers to an activity room to participate in a lesson/group activity. Teachers are adult volunteers from the church community. Books, Colouring and Activity bags are also available in the pews for youth and teenagers.