• Be open to all people no matter what faith journey they are on.
Be welcoming to all, regardless of race, faith, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation, physical or mental abilities, age or experience.
Continue to be aware and respond to the needs of the wider community and to engage in community as the voice of love and hope in the world.
Knox church currently sponsors 3 children in Haiti through the Star Thrower foundation https://starthrowerfoundation.org/
Funds are raised throughout the year to keep these children supplied with school tuition, supplies and shelter. This organization was created by Sharon Gaskell. We are grateful for the opportunity to keep in touch with Sharon for reports and updates from Haiti. We pray for those in places that deserve and need our support and acknowledge their resilience.
We are proud to declare that we are an Affirming Ministry with Affirm United/S'affirmer Ensemble. On March 3rd the community voted YES to becoming members of AUSE and to commit to Public, Intentional and Explicit welcome for LGBTQIA+ folk through our ministries at Knox.
We celebrate and value the diversity in God's world. We affirm that sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ability or faith journey is celebrated and needed. We are publicly committed to sharing the Good News that nothing can separate God from us and we are good.
Our energy is focused on the work of welcoming the stranger, sitting with the vulnerable and loving our neighbour just as they are. We are energized by music, outreach, gathering and fellowship.
Prayer shawls have the remarkable capacity to give a person in need comfort and encouragement; a sign of care and the friendship of the Knox Caledon Village congregation. It is used to empower, to empathize, to celebrate together, to mark accomplishments or for special happy or sad times. If you, or someone you know could use the warmth of a prayer shawl or you wish to make a prayer shawl or get more information on a pattern...please contact Elizabeth Glassford at (519) 941-1109 or the church.
As a caring community, pastoral care is high priority at Knox United Church. A minister is available for pastoral visits as are many many members of the congregation. Right now we are working on creating a group to be part of this ministry. If you are in need of pastoral care, please contact us.